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Friday, September 29, 2017

FIVE Tips About What You Should Not Do When Driving A Manual Transmission Car!

A unique trait of the American car market is that they mostly sell automatic transmission cars! There are quite a lot of people who have never driven a manual transmission car, and some have never even seen one! But they do exist, and they are not much different from your normal automatic car. That is one of the reasons why we present you this really informational video that tells you what you shouldn`t do while driving a manual transmission car.
There are 5 question and answers in this video, and we recommend you check them all out! The first question that pops up is “is it okay to rest your hand on gearshift while driving“? The quick answer to this one is no. The reason why you should not rest your hand is actually really simple. When you are selecting a gear, you have a selector fork and you are pushing that selector fork up against the rotating collar.

If you are resting your hand on your gearshift, you might be applying extra pressure on the fork against the collar, and by doing that, you can wear out your selector fork, making it more difficult to change the gear! The second thing discussed is “should you put the car in neutral when you come to a stop“. This is recommended, and the reason why is cleverly explained. The guy in this video has a pressure plate with him, to precisely explain why you should put your manual transmission car in neutral while not moving.
These are just two of the five tips mentioned in the recording below. Make sure to watch the whole video in order to hear them all. Altogether, this video is a great way to learn something more about driving a manual transmission car and what you should and shouldn`t do while sitting behind the wheel of one. We highly recommend you check out this video and acquire new knowledge!